
25 Jun 2012

How To Remove Mehndi Colour Soon?

 Mehndi is liked by all women due to its beautiful ,vibrant color  which lasts on skin approximately a week, sometimes we want to fade it  away soon, so what we can do???
  To remove mehndi  colour soon following steps should be taken:-
  • 1. Bleach cream plays a vital role, apply it on hands and wait it to dry ,then rub your hands, the color of  mehndi fade to great extent.
  • 2. Make a paste of baking soda and lemon juice and apply it on hands till dry ,then rub and wash, apply some moisturizer after this.
  • 3. Wash your hands 10-12 times with strong soap.
  • 4. Chlorine water also fades mehndi color instantly.
  • 5. Freshly squeezed lemon skin also works a lot.
All this be tried after checking your skin type and with proper precautions because sometimes create allergy or rashes ,so use carefully.


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